Language Barriers
Charlotte Denise Charlotte Denise

Language Barriers

I was feeling incredibly lonely and disconnected at the time, and I had been recognizing a sad and terrible trend in the minutia of life; that we all move through life with zombie-like repetition and complacency.

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Virus Abound…and I Kind of Hate it Here
Charlotte Denise Charlotte Denise

Virus Abound…and I Kind of Hate it Here

Somewhere between Croatia and France (and a dozen or so public networks), I managed to pick up a virus for my computer. Because, really, I needed the comradery of an electronic device with the flu for solidarity.

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Living up to my Future Self
Charlotte Denise Charlotte Denise

Living up to my Future Self

What in the hell am I doing?  I am lost and terrified all the time.  I am floundering through things I thought I wanted to do, and now that I am here, I just cringe in a hole and refuse to explore.  I feel like I followed my intuition to get here, but where the hell is here, and where the hell is it taking me?

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So Paris it is
Charlotte Denise Charlotte Denise

So Paris it is

When I awoke around 5 a.m., I hastily snatched my laundry from the washing machine and laid it out on the patio, urging it to please, please dry fast. And while draping my wet laundry across chairs and tables, I sent up a feeble plea to the universe at large. “I have no idea what I’m doing here. I am so lost, and I don’t know what to do or where to go. Please give me a hint, nudge in the right direction, please, please.”

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A Day of Borders + Bridges
Charlotte Denise Charlotte Denise

A Day of Borders + Bridges

In one day I crossed from Croatia into Bosnia and Herzegovina, very gingerly slipped and slid my way across the reconstruction of a circa 16th century bridge in Bosnia and Herzegovina that the Croatian army destroyed during a war that occurred in my lifetime, crossed back into Croatia, and drove across a bridge less than a week old constructed to avoid the Bosnia and Herzegovina border.

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Finally Making it
Charlotte Denise Charlotte Denise

Finally Making it

And here we are. And we’re doing it. This is what doing it looks like. Two pretty dicey months into this adventure, I am finally doing it. I am sitting at a restaurant on a dock at the port in Sorrento eating octopus salad and sipping a European-style daiquiri. It’s way more tart and less sweet than the American version. I have to say, I much prefer this version.

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