Never Overstay Your Welcome
Charlotte Denise Charlotte Denise

Never Overstay Your Welcome

I quickly discovered that “no visa necessary” is a bit of a misnomer. In truth, you purchase your 30-day visa on arrival from Immigration for 35 USD. I admitted to the official processing my visa that my travel would have me in country for 32 days. He rolled his eyes at me before stamping my visa approval and passport.

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Green Bag Takes a Powder
Charlotte Denise Charlotte Denise

Green Bag Takes a Powder

Where I faced down an incredibly unhappy gate agent. You see, I opted to use the self-service kiosk for my boarding pass, which means I unwittingly circumvented the ticketing agents checking my proof of vaccination and verifying my ticket out of Colombia. Which means now, annoyed gate agent needs to check these things. I showed her my proof of vaccination, but I hadn’t booked my ticket out of Colombia yet.

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Grief and Running
Charlotte Denise Charlotte Denise

Grief and Running

Because I do not sit still long enough to grieve. And I am not talking about the loss of my dog almost a year ago. I mean, I am, but she was only one loss in this myriad shitshow of grief in my head right now. I am talking about my divorce eleven years ago. I am talking about all of the mental and emotional drain my fifteen-year marriage cost me. I am talking about the loss of my children’s love and affection because I have never been willing to reveal what a disaster shitshow that marriage was and how much it broke my spirit, so instead I accepted the “bad guy” role for leaving it.

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Turning Travel Backpacking into an Extreme Sport
Charlotte Denise Charlotte Denise

Turning Travel Backpacking into an Extreme Sport

Green pack needs a name for when I plant it in the chair across from mine in cafes. At least if it has a name, I won’t feel quite as silly when I order drinks for it. And, no, hiking through the high-noon heat carrying packs that equal just shy of half my own current body weight cannot possibly be the reason for my current slap-happy bag-naming state.

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